Cha Chaan Teng
Chi and her lovely family come from Hong Kong. Cha Chaan Teng (Hong Kong-style Tea Rooms) are our heritage, you can find them in every districts in Hong Kong. As there is not so many Cha Chaan Teng in the UK, the Whittington’s team aims to bring this valuable food culture here, in the beautiful River Thames.
On every Friday, we would run a Cha Chaan Teng on our Tea Barge to serve classic Hong Kong meals. Our “Friday-only" menu provides Hong Kong-style milk tea, lemon tea, pineapple bun, satay beef with noodles, preserved vegetable and pork with rice noodles, Hong Kong-style French toast, club sandwich, etc.
Due to the unique history of Hong Kong, you may find that Hong Kong cuisines are a kind of Fusion cuisine which naturally combines elements of different culinary traditions from eastern and western countries. So, welcome all to come and try something new!
有乜嘢食?緊係有大家好掛住嘅港式奶茶、檸茶、自家製菠蘿包、沙嗲牛麵、榨菜肉絲米、西多士、公司治 ... ...
再講多少少啦!其實今次最幸運係有茶餐廳第三代做軍師。(由佢公公嗰代開始,從二戰時已經喺香港推住車仔擺街檔做茶記,之後攞左熟食牌照,就由第二代接手,由大排檔做到街市熟食檔,茶餐廳事業延至第三代 ... ... 成個故仔真係一匹布咁長!)真係好感激佢同世伯、伯母無私地傾囊相授,出品絕無花假,一定要喺度比番大大個credit佢哋呢!仲等?快啲嚟嘆番個香港人才懂的「常餐」啦!